dijous, 30 d’agost del 2012

ITINERARI tornada de Quioto a Tòquio

Agafem un bus nit per tornar a Quioto. Com que és Obon, dies festius a Japó, i no podem utilitzar el transport, ens hi quedarem força dies. L’hostal es troba al centre i passegem per la zona del carrer Taramachi (ple de botigues i locals) i visitem Gion, el barri de les Geishes, les cases tradicionals i els restaurants fan un ambient agradable, però l’activitat i els espectacles reals s’amaguen sempre darrera les portes corredisses i les petites entrades de fusta i cortinetes. Seguim matant les hores de calor dintre els locals i freqüentem el Hello Bibliotec Cafe i l’Independant (un local situat en un subterrani). Coneixem millor les afores de la ciutat on es troba la naturalesa i els temples. Un dia, anem a un temple que es troba en una “villa”, té un petit llac i uns jardins encantadors (on per cert, ens cau un fort ruixat) i caminem fins un passadís de bambo increïble, i cap a una casa particular amb gran extensió de vegetació i bones vistes. Un altre dia fem el “Camí de la Filosofia” que és un recorregut al llarg d’un canal on pots trobar més temples. I la darrera excursió és al Temple d’Or, una fotografia perfecte d’un relluent temple al costat d’un petit llac. No podem marxar de la ciutat sense tornar a la nostra estimada estació. Un cop fet tot aquest itinerari anem a passar els darrers dies del viatge a Tokyo, amb moltes ganes de veure aquest cop, com és realment la capital del Japó.
Quan arribem a Tokyo els nostres 5 sentits s’activen, tenim un bon hostal a Asakusa i comencem a caminar. La primera nit anem a Odaiba, una falsa illa construïda sobre el mar. El monorail que et travessa ja val la pena, i el barri acaba essent peculiar, alts edificis, grans avingudes, una platja inventada i algunes rèpliques d’edificis com el Golden Gate de Sant Fransisco o el London Eye the Londres (diferents, però mantenint la seva immensitat). L’endemà anem al Museu de Publicitat, tot i que no hi ha res traduït a l’anglès, les imatges i els objectes ja parlen per si sols. En el mateix edifici podem pujar fins a la planta 46 per tenir unes bones vistes del veïnat. Trepitgem de nou el barri de Ginza i tornem cap a l’hostal.
Quan es fa fosc, sortim per veure el moviment, la gent i els llums que s’acumulen en alguns punts de la ciutat. L’encreuament al barri de Shibuya n’és un bon exemple, passem l’estona creuant els passos de vianants, entre milers de persones amb estils ben diferents. Agafem el metro i anem a Harajuku, travessem una avinguda d’originals aparadors de conegudes marques, i ens perdem pels carrerons laterals plens de botigues cool.
El següent dia a la tarda ens passegem pel barri de l'electrònica, Akihabara (noves tecnologies, sales de joc i "Maid Cafès"), i el barri de Shinjuku, ens costa orientar-nos, però després de caminar entre els edificis més alts de la ciutat, pugem a un d’ells, per veure com es fa fosc i s’ilumina una immensa ciutat de llums sota la foscor. De tornada, parem a Roponggi, potser no ens impressiona tan després del que ja hem vist, és un barri de locals de nit, publicitats lluminoses i altes façanes. El darrer dia, anem a veure l’enorme i net mercat de peix, i assaborim un fresc sushi a les 12h del migdia, posant punt final a la nostra degustació culinària japonesa, recordant també la deliciosa tempura i el gustós ramen. Amb aquests sabors tan especials agafem el nostre vol de tornada a casa. 

We cached a night bus to Kyoto, where we had to spend a week because we couldn’t use the bus ticket during the Obon Holidays. Our hostel was in the city centre, near the commercial Taramachi Street. We visited Gion, the Geishes neighbourhood. It was full of nice streets and traditional houses and restaurants that kept most of their activities in private places, behind sliding doors and small curtains. The weather still very hot and we got used to spending some hours in relaxing and cold caffes  at midday time, some of them were the Hello Bibliotec Café and The Independent (a cool subterranean local). We explored the surroundings of the city, full of nature and temples. One day, we visited a temple with a nice lake and beautiful gardens and we walked through a gorgeous bamboo path. At the end we went to a private house with also nice gardens and good views. Next day, we went for a stroll at the Path of Philosophy, walking next to a small canal. And another day we headed the Golden Temple, we had a nice picture of a yellow temple surrounded by trees, next to a small lake. After visiting all those places, we came back to our precious station before leaving Kyoto. It was time to move. We were very excited to spend our last days in the capital of Japan. We wanted to discover the real Tokyo. 
Our 5 sense aroused when we arrived in that city. We were again in Asakusa and we started moving around. The first night we went to Odaiba, an area in a fake island. We crossed the river using a monorail, which was fantastic. The neighbourhood was peculiar: high buildings, wide avenues, a fake beach and some imitations as the Golden Gate in San Francisco or the London Eye, not exactly, but also huge monuments. Next day we went to the Advertising Museum, nothing was in English, but in fact, images don’t need to be translated. In the same building, we took a lift until de 46th floor having nice bird views. After that, we stopped for a while in Ginza and we came back to the hostel. When became dark we went out again expecting to see the night life. We were astonished about Shibuya Crossing, walking among thousands of any kind of people. We caught the subway and we stopped in Harajuku, crossing a huge avenue full of well-known boutiques with spectacular window shops and being lost through small streets with cool locals. Next afternoon we went to Akihabara's electronic town (new technologies, games rooms and Maid Caffes), and after that, we visited Shinjuku walking through the highest buildings in the city, deciding to get to the top of one of them, having an spectacular image of the sun falling down in Tokyo. After that, we stopped in Roppongi. It was a cool place, full of nigh locals, advertisements and coloured lights, but it didn’t impressed us a lot, maybe because we had seen a lot of places in a short time. Our last day, we visited the huge and clean Fish Market, getting an excellent sushi around midday (a bite early for us). That would be our last nice Japanese meal, after having tasted many different ones. We’ll always remember the Japanese food (the fresh “sushi”, the delicious “tempura” and the tasteful “ramen”). We came back home bringing all those tastes with us.